!!!!!?????!!!! Coruption ????? EU COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS,Strasbourg-Application 2013-2015 The court in Strasbourg is corrupted by croatian politicians! Year 2009. a judge denied my appeal no matter of the evidence shown. From 2013. when I've send a new lawsuit and evidence that I've added 2015. the court is not solving my case ??!! And in Coroatia to this day every evidence and every law is ignored. And this goverment like the ones before are waiting for me to die to keep a secret the big stealings of ex politicians that even tothis that are ruling Croatia with money they have stolen by buying out goverment employes. And they are buying also the politicians in EU. After 20 years, sick, homeless and without a steady job im forced to take justice in my own hands and at the end also kill myself because justice and democracy in Croatia and EU doesn't exist for a regular human. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EUROPEN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS,Strasbourg-Application 2013-2015 EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT-Petition 2014-2015 Petition – lawsuit – please to everyone to whom I'm sending this file I ask you who sit at the liable places with your voice of fairness and humanity that decides about future of democration, law respect and human lives, not just in your state but in the world – for an intervention in Croatian government that is evidently ignoring basic human and civil rights of a regular citizen to protect a few of so-called politicians who are using political power by police and court insitutions and also destroying human lives on other ways which would be critized by any democratic society. Some of you have already recieved the copies of my documents via e-mail, and some via letters. From almost all of those documents it's visible that all institutions within Croatia including ex-presidents of the state familiar with my case and everyone is making statements about it while no one cares to close it. Solution is quite logical and simple and the government should close it. Last what happened during 2014 when I thought everything will turn out fine due to an intervention of a president of Croatian parliament and Parlametn department for complaints, but that evidently failed because our financial minister wrote a statement in which it clearly says there are no documents, and on my sending of complete documentation via e-mail there's no response. Same happened in 1997 when the minister of finances publicly said that I have no authorities or contracts, while the press put the pictures of the same documents next to his statement. That's how it ended. And now, the gist of my case – in september 1994 I finished completely financial transsaction for Croatia which was allowed by minister and governement (it was about 10 billion transaction with USA financial institutions and banks) and then should have come the payment of the first segment. Minister of finances that gave me all authorities then died with whom I worked since 1991. I got arrested, being accused that I didn't want to finish the job for Croatia, and for the following 48 hours they carried every paper from my apartment to destroy all evidence. When they saw that I have copies and originals of all documents, they used other methods which are happening to this day – I was called guilty while I was away in 2002 and it was mentioned nowhere that it was because I refused to finish financial transsaction for the state – it was voided, dissapeared, just like my complaint was disrupted – my demand for compensation against the goverment of Croatia on Zagreb court – all the documents dissappeared and the response to the international institutions coming from Croatian legal organs is missing, or is promised and the ignored. I have a prohibition of entering Croatia for years etc. This letter is my addition to my petition to EU parlament that was recieved on October 2014 ( 2695/2014 ) And my addition to my complaint to EU court for human rights in Strassbourg which is not being handles since 13th January 2013 because some of Croatian politions are urging on Court to stop it from solving itself. I should also address that 2009 the same court rejected me while disregarding all the applied documentation and evidence, and I made a new complaint in 2013 in which I asked that my case shouldn't be being solved by a judge as an individual for possible corruption. I wrote to every one of you directly that if you want, I can send you every piece of documentation which follows this letter, and more... If Iwasnt't sick and if my doctors weren't counting my remaining months, I wouldn't be writing to you and ask for an intervention. Or should I take justice into my own hands? THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTERVENTION Addition to the petition - lawsuit.. conclusion I, for twenty years am not living because of politicians and state servanats that tolerate anarchy and big theft. For the money they stole, the money I worked on for state they locked me up and when they didnt make it on that way for twenty years they are revening on me, terorizing me and my child, threatning, bribing international institutions just to destroy me, kill me. Now I don't care if I'll die today or in a month, a year... I am presenting you with documents that will show the world who are some of those Croatian politicians and that they are capable of destroying and kill any body for some money. What they are doing to me its illegal and criminal act of planned torturing, killing and terorizing, using their place of power. This are the names of politicians dictators, terorrists and murderers that are protected by law in Croatia... 1. Mr. Stjepan Mesic -ex president of Croatia, 2. Mr. Mladen Bajic - state I., 3. Mr. Ivo Sanader -ex prime minister, 4. Mr. Nikica Valentic - ex prime min., 5. Mr. Bozo Prka - ex. minister -presidente Privredna Banka Zagreb/group IntesaSanpaoloBank 6. Mrs Jadranka Kosor -ex prime minister Croatian Government, 7. Mr. Zoran Milanović - prime minister 8. Mr. Ivo Josipović -ex president of Croatia Strasbourg - 17. 05. 2010. - 13. 01. 2013. http://feniks13.tripod.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HELP PLEASE !!!!!!!! april, 2013 !!!!! EU COMMISSION, EU PARLIAMENT, COUNCIL OF EUROPE, UN Nach langer Uberlegung habe ich mich entschlossen Ihnen personlich zu schreiben und um Hilfe zu bitten in meinem Fall mit der kroatischer Regierung, das schon 18 Jahre dauert. Nach so langer Zeit habe ich aufgrund gesundheitlicher Probleme und dem Alter keine Wahl mehr. Ich bitte Sie um Hilfe , sonst bleibt mir nur noch die Moglichkeit die Selbsjustiz und anschliesend Selbstmord. Ich habe bis 1994 nach der Vertrage und Vollmacte fur die kroatische Regierung gearbeitet. Vollmachte des Finanzministeriums und die Arbeit bei Finanztransaktionen und Krediten fur den Staat. Nebenbei habe ich auch fur "Ured za zaštitu ustavnog poretka" ( eigentlich ist das Staatssicherheit) gearbeitet, mit der Vollmacht zu kontrollieren wohin das Geld aus den Spenden und sonstigen Einnahmen fließt. Genau gesagt, ob und wer stiehlt. Nach dem Tod des Finanzministers wurde ich im September 1994 eingespert, war 6 Monate im Gefangniss ohne Anklagevorlage. Nach 6 Monaten wurde ich freigelassen nach der Intervention des Amtes des Presidenten der Republik. Alle Dokumente auser dem Fuhrerschein wurden mir genommen und es wurde mir gesagt, dass alle volgende Besprechungen um Entschadigung und Anderes im Prasidentenamt stattfinden werden. Nichts ist geschehen und ich habe eine Klage gegen dem Staat am Gericht in Zagreb erhoben fur die Entschadigung von 2 Millionen DM. Ebendann begannen die Drohungen mit dem Mord meines Kindes. Im Jahr 1997 habe ich Kroatia verlassen mit Slowenischen Passport. Ich bin zwar Slowenischer Staatsburger aber konnte wegen Staatlichen Vorschriften bis 2006 nicht das Hauptwohnsitz beantragen. Also konnte ich auch nicht normal arbeiten. Meine Anklage wurde vom Gericht in Zagreb 2009 abgelehnt, mit der Begrunding daß ich nicht bei der Verhandlung present war. Mit dem Gericht hat mein Anwalt schriftlich kontaktiert. Ich hollte gleich alle mogliche Belege von Post etc., die beweisen, das ich keine Post vom Gericht bekommen habe. Es hilft nichts , aus Kroatien kommt keine Antwort , auser der Suche nach Dokumenten einmal im Jahr. Momentan ist die ganze Sache wieder beim Staatsanwalt, Justizministerium und USKOK, mit keinem Erfolg. Das ist eine absichtliche Verzogerung , weil ich fur Korruption und Diebstahl den ehemaligen Prasident Mesič beschuldigt habe. Mr. Mesič, mein ehemaliger Freund, verlangte im Jahr 2001 50% von meiner Entschadigung damit mir der Staat sie sofort auszahlt. Ich habe starke Feinde auch neben Mesič. Einigen Exministern von HDZ Regierungen habe ich Diebstale von mehr 100 Millionen USD verhindert. Ich habe Dokumente uber die Diebstahle und andere korruptive Taten aus der Zeit wenn sie als Ministern arbeiteten. Auch heute habe ich keine Moglichkeit auf ein normales und rechtliches Ende meiner Entschadigungsklage , obwohl jetzt Herr Milanović Ministerprasident ist. Er hat nicht viel Macht und hat viele andere staatliche Probleme. Von 1996 bis Heute habe ich 3 Klagen an den Gericht in Strasbourg ubergegeben. Alle 3 wurden abgelehnt weil das Gerichtsverfahren in Kroatien noch nicht abgeschlossen war und wurde absichtlich verzogert. Im Jahr 2002 nachdem ich verweigerte Herrn Mesič 50% Provision von der Entschadigung zu geben, wurde ich wegen Betrugs verurteilt, ohne dabei Rucksicht auf die Dokumentation zu nehmen, die mir von der Polizei schon im Jahr 1994 konfisziert wurde.Damals haben sie jedes Stuck Papier genommen um ihre Diebstahle zu verbergen. Ich habe auch das Aufenthaltsverbot in Kroatia. Jetzt habe ich weder die Zeit noch das Geld fur weitere Klagen in Strasbourg, in Kroatien habe ich aber keine Chance ohne starke Unterstutzung aus Ausland. Ich mußte meine Tochter verlassen als sie 10 Monate alt war wegen den Drohungen. Ich hatte Angst um ihr Leben. Sie wachst schon 16 Jahre ohne mich auf, gerade wegen Drohungen, bei jedem meinem tel. Anruf oder Frage uber sie, setzen die Drohungen um ihr Leben fort. Und wegen meiner Tochter, damit die Gerechtigkeit einmal siegt und damit ich ihr wenigstens jetzt ein schoneres Leben ermogliche und das sie nach meinem Tod auch was erbt, bitte ich sie herzlich um Ihren Einsatz und Hilfe. Sonst bleibt mir nichts ubrig als Selbsjustiz zu verwenden an Menschen die meine Tochter und mich absichtlich zerstoren. Auser meinem Leben habe ich nichts mehr zu verlieren und mein Leben geht sowieso zu Ende. Ein Teil der Dokumente finden Sie an meiner Webseite HELP WANTED - feniks13.tripod.com. Wenn Sie irgeneinen anderen Beweis oder Dokument brauchen, sende ich es gerne. Jeder Anwalt wird sagen, dass es moglich ware die Sache in einem Tag zu beenden. Das Finanzministerium bei der Regierung konnte es gesetzmaßig machen ohne Gericht. Vielen Dank fur Ihre Urgenz und Hilfe. Danke im Namen meiner minderjahriger Tochter, danke im Namen manches Kindes, das erfahren wird, dass manche Politiker mit solchen Taten uns allen Hofnung auf eine bessere und sichere Zukunft geben. Ich wunsche Ihnen, Ihren Mitarbeitern und Ihrer Familie viel Gluck, Gesundheit und Erfolg in allen Lebensbereichen. DANKE, Franjo Egri ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Give you my heart for life and justice. APPLICATION -EU Court of Human Rights,13.1.2013 -EU PARLIAMENT 20.8.2013 -Croatia Goverment dictature..coruption ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Message of the government of the Republic of Croatia - Egri, we disabled your life and legal action in Croatia. We will do the same in the European Union ----------------------------------------------------------- I have an information from the president offices, Croatian politicians are buying EU Parlament and judges in Strassbourg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I give up from publishing the documents and the strike, because a Child from Croatia was seriously threatened ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I apologize to croatian politicians, judges and employees in ministries for 19 years of fighting for life, justice. - http://feniks13.tripod.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Give you my heart for life and justice. APPLICATION -EU Court of Human Rights,13.1.2013 -EU PARLIAMENT 20.8.2013 -Croatia Goverment dictature..coruption -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many of you are introduced to my case throughout many letters and e-mails I have been sending for years. This is a direct petition and I wish that, except for the petition institution, EU parliament becomes familiar with it. If Croatia, as a member of EU, doesn't take legal action on my case, I will take justice in my hand because I know who's to blame for killing me and my daughter for the last two decades. This is my petition to anyone. There is an open case on court of human rights in Strassbourgh (January 13th, 2013), they have all the evidence in possession (which I'll attach), just like everything I wrote over the world and Europe. I'm not expecting Croatia to undertake action in solving this case because of corruption, and I have even lesser expectations from the current government that obey the ex HDZ prime ministers' orders like puppets and ex president Mesic. They are behind my torture, because torturing me is nothing but a murder misusing the position. I'm forced to conclude that Hitler wasn't that inhuman and tyrant like some of Croatian politicians that got hit in the head by material fortune and government. Thank you and I wish you well, coming from a sick homeless man who has nothing to lose besides his life. If Croatian politicians and their corrupted servants really want to torture me like that, I suggest they do it themselves, with their hands. Some of them have blood on their hands instead of consciousness. There is no moral in them. Franjo Egri ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I give you my heart for life and justice. It's better to take justice in my hands because that's the only thing that's left for me. Corrupted politicians and judges are denying my legal attempts and normal life for 20 years. They are denying a normal childhood to my under-aged daughter. I don't have money for normal life, no money to give my daughter a standard education and that's why I decided to give my heart to the person who helps me that my request against Croatian government ends legally and positively and that my daughter can a normal life. It's known who stands behind the intentional destruction of myself with all possible sources of power (Mladen Bajic, lead state attorney of republic of Croatia, Stipe Mesic, ex-president of Croatia, Bozo Prka, ex-finances minister and now the president of the administration of Privredna Banka Zagreb - Intesa Sanpaolo bank-group - a person who lied in media and denied all my state authorizations even though the media published it) I can give my heart to those three persons even though it's against the law, but they confront the law anyway. They use the law to destroy other people to protect themselves and their illegal actions. Maybe my heart is wanted by a corrupted judge or any other state employee in Croatia. To solve my case legally!! When we agree and when I get paid my compensation, I'll commit my suicide in a year and give my heart for free. My heart is healthy. Goodbye. In attachment I put the letters I send all over the world and the last claim to the Court of European Union in Strassbourg Franjo Egri