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Sunday, 19 April 2009
Now Playing: STATE TERRORISM....Croatia

         feniks13.zurnal 24 blog
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Application for help and support

Croatian politicians are threatening to kill my daughter

I have been fighting for justice and normal life for 14 years. I am waiting for
the Croatian institutions to do their duty, in the spirit of democratic and
human rights. I have lost 14 years in search for my documents. I got nothing
what I applied for. The last thing they did was that they cancelled my Law suit
in which I was suing them for damages. They cancelled my address. I am getting
mail from all the world to my support. You may contact me through my postal
drawer address. The Croation institutions only send me promises or threats.

What have I done ?Like any normal person, I abstain from illegal actions in
order to protect my family, in order to assure our future. Since 1994, when I
was arrested after the death of Croation minister of Finance, I have tried
every legal action . My third lawsuit is in progress. I have been on strike, I
have written lots of letters,.. I must be a burden to everybody receiving those
letters. Sometimes I get an answer, that they are sorry, but they can not help
me. Croatia sends promises or is silent. Croatioa does not follow international
democratic conventions on human rights, does not obey the Law either
international or their own. All Croation institutions have all my documents
copied and media as well. You can get more information on my website.
http: fenix13.tripod.com.

I can see now that I can not expect any justice from Croatia. I am only looking
for what belongs to me - to live a normal life, to provide for my daughter. I
wrote a letter to President Mesich and Premier Sanader that I was comiong to
Croatia. I only received a threat to kill my daughter.

I am just asking you for help. Please, send my letter to all the world. I am
ready to sell my body organs like my heart, my kidneys, my liver, my lungs. I
am in serious debt due to 14year long search of justice, and I would like to
pay back. I wanted payment of my money from the Croatian president. I could
also disclose secret documents and names of 70 Croatian politicians who were
stealing money from the State of Croatia during the war and after it. Their
answer was a telephone call saying: » If you do not stop, your daughter
will be killed.« The first threat was in 1996 which caused my departure
from Croatia and consequently my daughter is now growing up without her father.

If I go to Croatia, I may be killed. Help me, please.

I am much obliged to those who will support me in my efforts.

Yours sincerely,
Franjo Egri

How to destroy a human being

How the politicians can kill you  by legal power

I was called to the local police station the second time, a couple of days ago.
Both times because of  my e-mails, that I wrote in the last years to a lot of
addresses , asking for help. This is almost the only answer to my numerous
proofs of  the facts, that  I try to explain all the time. They show without
any doubt that the Croatian Government took everything away from me –
beside my property and family, also all the documents that prove that I exist
and am right. . ( certificates of schooling, all documents about my work in
Croatia and of the undertaking I owned at that time, and more). The documents
are probably still at the Croatian court and Police, and I don't see a way
anymore to get them back. The conflict with the Croatian Government is going on
for 14 years.
Without all the documents I am not able even to try starting a normal life in
Slovenija, where I live now ( or anywhere else). I can practically do anything
more now. And I have tried everything… I asked the Croatian Government to
settle the problem, other institutions  there too, the President of EC, European
comissionars , politicians, lawers, Interpol, even President Bush and a number
of other different organizations.

Whoever has read my letters in the net knows, in what need I am now and what are
my charges against Croatia.
O don't ask anything impossible. I' only asking for my documents and at least a
part of the money which should I get already years ago. I only want them to
enable me to survive the next few years. I'm only a shaddow of the man I used
to be and have a load of deabts. I had to borrow money for medical treatments,
lawers and other things relating to the conflict with Croatian Government.


SLOVENIA,   04.03.2008-17.11.2008.

Strasbourg, 09.11.2005 ---------
Strasbourg, 08.11.2005 -------------

As an EU citizien I`m fileing charges for:

1. Attempted murder (which is going on for 11 years),-14 years !!!

2. Torture and stealing all of the human rights (11 years),-14 years !!!

against present and former leaders of Croatia.

I place the charges to this institution with a request to send it to public
prosecuters of the members of EU.

I`m stating the accused person:

1. Mr. Stjepan Mesic - president of Croatia,
2. Mr. Mladen Bajic - state I.,
3. Mr. Ivo Sanader -prime minister,
4. Mr. Nikica Valentic - ex prime min.,
5. Mr. Bozo Prka - ex. minister

Strasbourg, 08.11.2005 - SLOVENIA 04. 03. 2008

Franjo Egri


 Spostovane Gospe in Gospoda
   Vsi veste vse,vsi ste si ogledali dokumente in veste da me Hrvaski politiki
namenoma ubijajo skupaj z mojim otrokom. 15 let so mi vzeli, vso pravico.
   In vi se z njimi pogovarjate o vstopu Hrvaske v EU. Z politiki ki se ne
zmenijo za pravico, zakon, demokracijo, z politiki ki ti grozijo z zivljenjem
otroka in ti uskratijo pravico na zdravljenje. Z politiki ki so pokradli
hrvaski narod in se sluzijo z policijo in sodiscem po lastni politicni volji
kot je to negdar delal Staljin in...
   Pogovarjajte se z hrvaskim narodom, z ljudmi kateri iscejo na Hrvaskem
pravice in ce nimajo denarja za podkupovanje se ubijejo ali vzamejo pravico v
svoje roke.
    Na to ih silijo hrvaski politiki, prejsnji in zdajsnji...a nekateri od njih
so v policijskih kartotekah bivse Jugoslavije - ne zarad politike!!!
    Jaz vec nic ne pricakujem od tistih kateri ubijajo mene in mojega otroka in
nic im ne verjamem, a to bi bilo pametno i za Vas. Ne verjamite im nic!!!
    In od danes je pravda v mojih rokah. Po zelji in volji hrvaskih sedanjih in
prejsnjih politikov.
     Dovolj sem star da za svoje prepricanje in resnico umrem,a zdravniki mi
tako in tako ne dajejo vec kot eno leto zivljenja
     Lep pozdrav
     Franjo Egri

Posted by feniks13 at 4:44 AM EDT
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Now Playing: Application for help and support
Application for help and support

Croatian politicians are threatening to kill my daughter

I have been fighting for justice and normal life for 14 years. I am waiting for
the Croatian institutions to do their duty, in the spirit of democratic and
human rights. I have lost 14 years in search for my documents. I got nothing
what I applied for. The last thing they did was that they cancelled my Law suit
in which I was suing them for damages. They cancelled my address. I am getting
mail from all the world to my support. You may contact me through my postal
drawer address. The Croation institutions only send me promises or threats.

What have I done ?Like any normal person, I abstain from illegal actions in
order to protect my family, in order to assure our future. Since 1994, when I
was arrested after the death of Croation minister of Finance, I have tried
every legal action . My third lawsuit is in progress. I have been on strike, I
have written lots of letters,.. I must be a burden to everybody receiving those
letters. Sometimes I get an answer, that they are sorry, but they can not help
me. Croatia sends promises or is silent. Croatioa does not follow international
democratic conventions on human rights, does not obey the Law either
international or their own. All Croation institutions have all my documents
copied and media as well. You can get more information on my website.
http: fenix13.tripod.com.

I can see now that I can not expect any justice from Croatia. I am only looking
for what belongs to me - to live a normal life, to provide for my daughter. I
wrote a letter to President Mesich and Premier Sanader that I was comiong to
Croatia. I only received a threat to kill my daughter.

I am just asking you for help. Please, send my letter to all the world. I am
ready to sell my body organs like my heart, my kidneys, my liver, my lungs. I
am in serious debt due to 14year long search of justice, and I would like to
pay back. I wanted payment of my money from the Croatian president. I could
also disclose secret documents and names of 70 Croatian politicians who were
stealing money from the State of Croatia during the war and after it. Their
answer was a telephone call saying: » If you do not stop, your daughter
will be killed.« The first threat was in 1996 which caused my departure
from Croatia and consequently my daughter is now growing up without her father.

If I go to Croatia, I may be killed. Help me, please.

I am much obliged to those who will support me in my efforts.

Yours sincerely,
Franjo Egri

Posted by feniks13 at 5:06 PM EST
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Now Playing: feniks13

J wish you a Merry Christmas

and a really happy and successful 2009 !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to destroy a human being

How the politicians can kill you by legal power

I was called to the local police station the second time, a couple of days ago. Both times because of my e-mails, that I wrote in the last years to a lot of addresses , asking for help. This is almost the only answer to my numerous proofs of the facts, that I try to explain all the time. They show without any doubt that the Croatian Government took everything away from me – beside my property and family, also all the documents that prove that I exist and am right. . ( certificates of schooling, all documents about my work in Croatia and of the undertaking I owned at that time, and more). The documents are probably still at the Croatian court and Police, and I don't see a way anymore to get them back. The conflict with the Croatian Government is going on for 14 years. Without all the documents I am not able even to try starting a normal life in Slovenija, where I live now ( or anywhere else). I can practically do anything more now. And I have tried everything… I asked the Croatian Government to settle the problem, other institutions there too, the President of EC, European comissionars , politicians, lawers, Interpol, even President Bush and a number of other different organizations. Whoever has read my letters in the net knows, in what need I am now and what are my charges against Croatia. O don't ask anything impossible. I' only asking for my documents and at least a part of the money which should I get already years ago. I only want them to enable me to survive the next few years. I'm only a shaddow of the man I used to be and have a load of deabts. I had to borrow money for medical treatments, lawers and other things relating to the conflict with Croatian Government.

http://feniks13.tripod.com - HELP WANTED

Posted by feniks13 at 4:55 PM EST
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Now Playing: Croatian politicians are threatening to kill my daughter
Application for help and support Croatian politicians are threatening to kill my daughter I have been fighting for justice and normal life for 14 years. I am waiting for the Croatian institutions to do their duty, in the spirit of democratic and human rights. I have lost 14 years in search for my documents. I got nothing what I applied for. The last thing they did was that they cancelled my Law suit in which I was suing them for damages. They cancelled my address. I am getting mail from all the world to my support. You may contact me through my postal drawer address. The Croation institutions only send me promises or threats. What have I done ?Like any normal person, I abstain from illegal actions in order to protect my family, in order to assure our future. Since 1994, when I was arrested after the death of Croation minister of Finance, I have tried every legal action . My third lawsuit is in progress. I have been on strike, I have written lots of letters,.. I must be a burden to everybody receiving those letters. Sometimes I get an answer, that they are sorry, but they can not help me. Croatia sends promises or is silent. Croatioa does not follow international democratic conventions on human rights, does not obey the Law either international or their own. All Croation institutions have all my documents copied and media as well. You can get more information on my website. http: fenix13.tripod.com. I can see now that I can not expect any justice from Croatia. I am only looking for what belongs to me - to live a normal life, to provide for my daughter. I wrote a letter to President Mesich and Premier Sanader that I was comiong to Croatia. I only received a threat to kill my daughter. I am just asking you for help. Please, send my letter to all the world. I am ready to sell my body organs like my heart, my kidneys, my liver, my lungs. I am in serious debt due to 14year long search of justice, and I would like to pay back. I wanted payment of my money from the Croatian president. I could also disclose secret documents and names of 70 Croatian politicians who were stealing money from the State of Croatia during the war and after it. Their answer was a telephone call saying: » If you do not stop, your daughter will be killed.« The first threat was in 1996 which caused my departure from Croatia and consequently my daughter is now growing up without her father. If I go to Croatia, I may be killed. Help me, please. I am much obliged to those who will support me in my efforts. Yours sincerely, Franjo Egri http://feniks13.tripod.com

Posted by feniks13 at 5:51 PM EST
Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Ce pravimo da je USA vodilna drzava v svetu,ali se bo z prihodom demokratskega predsednika svet spremenil ?!
Po njegovih besedah,po njegovi knjigi,po podpori volivcev in ljudi v vsem svetu,bo.
Svet je v krizi,pred recesijo...zaradi pescice bogatih in nekaterih politikov ki so mislili samo na denar,materialno...izginjajo duhovne vrednote, izginjajo vrednote cloveka.
Najbrz je prso cas za resno prebujanje,za prave spremembe...ocitno se ljudje zavedajo da za lepsi in varnejsi jutri potrebujemo resne spremembe.
In ocitno smo vsi,ne samo USA,dobili pravega cloveka.
Upam da bo dovolj mocan in da bo imel dovolj podpore da se upre bogatim lobijem,da ne bo koncal kot pokojni Kenedi,kateri je enako zelel pozitivne reforme.


Posted by feniks13 at 6:38 AM EST
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Now Playing: BLOG - POLICIJA


Sto sve mora policija raditi....stvarno bi morali imati 100% vece place jer moraju sluziti nekim politicarima koje je strah istine i zakona.
Radi nekih rijeci na mojim blogovima i e-posti koju saljem izmedju ostalih i EU institucijama, svjetskim institucijama, novinarima i politicarima su me zvali na policiju. Hrvatski politicari ocito imaju "dugu"ruku koja seze u Sloveniju,Srbiju, Europu i dalje.....a za tako "dugu" ruku moras imati prijatelje i velik novac.....i da ne kazem jos sto....
I kao sto se vidi iz prilozenog, meni napisu jedno....a onda mi posalju policiju...nije prvi puta......i ocito je to bio pravi odgovor premijera Sanadera na moju kaznenu prijavu od 13.9.2008.
Normalno, po onoj narodnoj....vrana vrani ne kopa oci......i nisam ni ocekivao nista pozitivnog............
Isto tako ne bi bilo prvi puta da mi posalju nekoga da me zastrasi ili "pocisti"....a na moje prijave o takvim dogadjajima sluzbene institucije nemaju odgovora.....
Da, tako si neki Hrvatski politicari tumace zakon i demokraciju. Neki su za vrijeme Domovinskog rata postali bogati, imaju tajne racune i nekretnine u inozemstvu.....i spremni su na sve da bi sacuvali tajne-nacin i izvor njihovog bogatstva i novca........ako te ne mogu utisati i unistiti pomocu zakona i sluzbenika policije,suda,tuziteljstva,dugogodisnjim cekanjem na pravdu, "pociste" te. Mozda i mene to sada ceka....vidite sto se dogadja u Hrvatskoj.
Ako su pozadina i narucioci tih ubojstava neki od onih koji su se u ratu obogatili koristeci svoj polozaj u drzavi, moguce je da me ceka takva sudbina........a ako su pozadina oni Hrvati iz dijaspore koji su 1991 godine davali velike novce, neki i zivote za slobodnu demokratsku Hrvatsku, jos cu zivjeti.......sjecam se, neki su tada pisali imena politicara i drzavnih sluzbenika koji su na krvi dragovoljaca i gradjana zaradili novac,materijalne i druge dobrine.........Jedna od listi sa tim imenima je bila i pri pok. min. J.M. i ocito je po njegovoj smrti nestala kao i mnogi drugi dokumenti koje je cuvao o......

Rijeci radi kojih sam pozvan na policiju -
GOSPODO NE IGRAJTE SE TUDJIM ZIVOTIMA.......MOLIM......vratit ce se na Vasoj
djeci i
unucima......zakonu prirode ne mozete pobjeci !!!



1. My charge against some Croatian individuals ( who ruined me physically
psychically, using their political power). The charge has been present for
almost three years now, no answer from any competent European institution and
Interpol yet.

SLOVENIA, 04.03.2008

Strasbourg, 09.11.2005 ---------
Strasbourg, 08.11.2005 -------------

As an EU citizien I`m fileing charges for:

1. Attempted murder (which is going on for 11 years),-14 years !!!

2. Torture and stealing all of the human rights (11 years),-14 years !!!

against present and former leaders of Croatia.

I place the charges to this institution with a request to send it to public

prosecuters of the members of EU.

I`m stating the accused person:

1. Mr. Stjepan Mesic - president of Croatia,
2. Mr. Mladen Bajic - state I.,
3. Mr. Ivo Sanader -prime minister,
4. Mr. Nikica Valentic - ex prime min.,
5. Mr. Bozo Prka - ex. minister

Strasbourg, 08.11.2005 - SLOVENIA 04. 03. 2008

Franjo Egri
How to destroy a human being

How the politicians can kill you by legal power

I was called to the local police station the second time, a couple of days ago.
Both times because of my e-mails, that I wrote in the last years to a lot of
addresses , asking for help. This is almost the only answer to my numerous
proofs of the facts, that I try to explain all the time. They show without
any doubt that the Croatian Government took everything away from me –
beside my property and family, also all the documents that prove that I exist
and am right. . ( certificates of schooling, all documents about my work in
Croatia and of the undertaking I owned at that time, and more). The documents
are probably still at the Croatian court and Police, and I don't see a way
anymore to get them back. The conflict with the Croatian Government is going on
for 14 years.
Without all the documents I am not able even to try starting a normal life in
Slovenija, where I live now ( or anywhere else). I can practically do anything
more now. And I have tried everything… I asked the Croatian Government to
settle the problem, other institutions there too, the President of EC, European
comissionars , politicians, lawers, Interpol, even President Bush and a number
of other different organizations.

Whoever has read my letters in the net knows, in what need I am now and what are
my charges against Croatia.
O don't ask anything impossible. I' only asking for my documents and at least a
part of the money which should I get already years ago. I only want them to
enable me to survive the next few years. I'm only a shaddow of the man I used
to be and have a load of deabts. I had to borrow money for medical treatments,
lawers and other things relating to the conflict with Croatian Government.



Podnosim kaznenu prijavu Drzavnom Odvjetnistvu RH te Policijskoj Upravi
Zagrebackoj zaradi kradje bankovne garancije PBZ dd od 50 mio usd,zaradi kradje
137 mio usd sa tajnog Hrvatskog racuna u Italiji.....

Podnosim prijavu protiv navedenih osoba povezanih sa kradjom i prikrivanjem-
1.Bozo Prka
2.Vladimir Zagorec
3.Ivic Pasalic
4.Marjan Erhatic
5.Mladen Bajic-drzavni odvjetnik RH
6.Stjepan Mesic-Predsjednik RH
7.Ivo Sanader-Predsjednik VLADE RH
8.ostali upuceni u moj slucaj od mog hapsenja u 9 mjesecu 1994 g.

Zapljenjena dokumentacija pri pretresu stana od policije-prva policijska
postaja-s potpisom Igora Divkovica
Dokumenti na Opcinskom drzavnom odvjetnistvu Zagreb
Dokumentacija na Okruznom sudu Zagreb - istrazni odjel
Dokumentacija na Opcinskom sudu grada Zagreba
Dokumentacija na sudu za Ljudska prava u Strasbourgu
Dokumentacija u uredima Predsjednika RH,Predsjednika VLADE RH,Predsjednika
SABORA RH,Ustavnom sudu RH,Uredu Puckog Pravobranitelja RH.......
Kopije dokumenata se jos nalaze na HHO,Amnesty int.,pri mnogim novinarima u
Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu,te pri ustanovama i politicarima u

-http://feniks13.tripod.com,pod nalovom-Help Wanted

KOMISIJE I NOVINARA......da se potvrdi originalnost-vjerodostojnost.
A u Zagrebu su jos kopije dokumenata-OVJERENE !!!

Franjo Egri


U r e d p r e d s j e d n i k a

Klasa: 050-01/08-01/296
Urbroj: 50302-10-08-1
Zagreb, 16. rujna 2008.

Poštovani gospodine Egri,

Predsjednik Vlade Republike Hrvatske, dr. sc. Ivo Sanader, primio je Vaš
podnesak, koji ste uputili elektroničkom poštom i u kojem podnosite kaznenu
prijavu protiv određenih osoba, ˝povezanih s krađom i prikrivanjem˝, te
navodite kako o svemu posjedujete originalnu dokumentaciju.
Ovim Vas putem ̀elimo izvijestiti da smo, po naputku dr. sc. Sanadera, Vaš
podnesak proslijedili glavnom dr̀avnom odvjetniku, gospodinu Mladenu Bajiću, na
uvid i daljnje postupanje.

S poštovanjem,

Dr̀avna tajnica i predstojnica Ureda

Katarina Fuček

Posted by feniks13 at 5:29 PM EDT
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Now Playing: How the politicians can kill you by legal power
Angry How the politicians can kill you by legal power

How the politicians can kill you by legal power

I was called to the local police station the second time, a couple of days ago.
Both times because of my e-mails, that I wrote in the last years to a lot of
addresses , asking for help. This is almost the only answer to my numerous
proofs of the facts, that I try to explain all the time. They show without
any doubt that the Croatian Government took everything away from me –
beside my property and family, also all the documents that prove that I exist
and am right. . ( certificates of schooling, all documents about my work in
Croatia and of the undertaking I owned at that time, and more). The documents
are probably still at the Croatian court and Police, and I don't see a way
anymore to get them back. The conflict with the Croatian Government is going on
for 14 years.
Without all the documents I am not able even to try starting a normal life in
Slovenija, where I live now ( or anywhere else). I can practically do anything
more now. And I have tried everything… I asked the Croatian Government to
settle the problem, other institutions there too, the President of EC, European
comissionars , politicians, lawers, Interpol, even President Bush and a number
of other different organizations.

Whoever has read my letters in the net knows, in what need I am now and what are
my charges against Croatia.
O don't ask anything impossible. I' only asking for my documents and at least a
part of the money which should I get already years ago. I only want them to
enable me to survive the next few years. I'm only a shaddow of the man I used
to be and have a load of deabts. I had to borrow money for medical treatments,
lawers and other things relating to the conflict with Croatian Government.

Posted by feniks13 at 2:58 PM EDT
Monday, 22 September 2008
Now Playing: feniks13
Prologue to the book SLEEPY HEART


This book is dedicated to all the people, who have hidden their kidness somewhere deep in their hearts trying this way to escape from the cruelties of this society which is on the brink of ruin.

It is designed for all the young people and the ones who are young in their mind and heart and who want to change this world to a better one.

And it is designed for all the politicians in this world, for the churchmen of all religions, who do not want to accept that the material goods are not only their privilege. Every person has the right to live a normal life, to live in peace and surrounded with love. The true love, which comes out of the heart and which can be spread all over the world. Only love can save the world from apocalypse. Politicians and priests guide us to the apocaypse by ruling with closed hearts , only thinking of their own benefit.

Looking around we can see that the world already is commetcialized, materialized and restricted. Every political speech is a disguise. And where are we, where are all the common people? Have we really hidden all the good things and love in us deep in our hearts because we do not dare to show them, fearing the sanctions of the authorities ? Will the future, if there is any future at all , change our hearts in bank accounts??

Noone will take anything with him after passing away. Why do some people think that they need so much and others die because of hunger?

Ask your heart and you will get the right answer. Awaken your heart to life and you will wake up the ones of your neighbours, co-workers , friends. By opening your heart the hapiness will enter into their hearts too. You will see the smile on their faces, the day will be brighter and the night warmer. Don't pass by when you see someone struggling for life or someone with other problems. Knock at the hearts and they will open. If we all try to open our own hearts and knock to the ones of the politicians and churchmen, their hearts might open too one day. They might stop thinking only about money , authority and their own benefits.

Revolution? Yes. Spiritual revolution, which can save the world from apocalypse. Everything is in our hearts, we just have to awake them with positive thoughts and good deeds. Doing so, we would be already now safe from apocalypse and all the other catastrophies in the world . What does YOUR heart say?!?

Posted by feniks13 at 10:34 AM EDT
Now Playing: feniks13

 ***** Ocito ja 14 godina zivim od.....zraka ???
 ***** I dobijem odgovor sad kad sam se pripremio na smrt
 ***** A i ovo ce ocito biti samo farsa.....
 ***** Clan 29 Ustava Rh


U r e d   p r e d s j e d n i k a

Klasa: 050-01/08-01/296
Urbroj: 50302-10-08-1
Zagreb, 16. rujna 2008.

Poštovani gospodine Egri,

Predsjednik Vlade Republike Hrvatske, dr. sc. Ivo Sanader, primio je Vaš
podnesak, koji ste uputili elektroničkom poštom i u kojem podnosite kaznenu
prijavu protiv određenih osoba, ˝povezanih s krađom i prikrivanjem˝, te
navodite kako o svemu posjedujete originalnu dokumentaciju.
Ovim Vas putem ̀elimo izvijestiti da smo, po naputku dr. sc. Sanadera, Vaš
podnesak proslijedili glavnom dr̀avnom odvjetniku, gospodinu Mladenu Bajiću, na
uvid i daljnje postupanje.

S poštovanjem,

Dr̀avna tajnica i predstojnica Ureda

Katarina Fuček


 Podnosim kaznenu prijavu Drzavnom Odvjetnistvu RH te Policijskoj Upravi
Zagrebackoj zaradi kradje bankovne garancije PBZ dd od 50 mio usd,zaradi kradje
137 mio usd sa tajnog Hrvatskog racuna u Italiji.....

 Podnosim prijavu protiv navedenih osoba povezanih sa kradjom i prikrivanjem-
 1.Bozo Prka
 2.Vladimir Zagorec
 3.Ivic Pasalic
 4.Marjan Erhatic
 5.Mladen Bajic-drzavni odvjetnik RH
 6.Stjepan Mesic-Predsjednik RH
 7.Ivo Sanader-Predsjednik VLADE RH
 8.ostali upuceni u moj slucaj od mog hapsenja u 9 mjesecu 1994 g.

 Zapljenjena dokumentacija pri pretresu stana od policije-prva policijska
postaja-s potpisom Igora Divkovica
 Dokumenti na Opcinskom drzavnom odvjetnistvu Zagreb
 Dokumentacija na Okruznom sudu Zagreb - istrazni odjel
 Dokumentacija na Opcinskom sudu grada Zagreba
 Dokumentacija na sudu za Ljudska prava u Strasbourgu
 Dokumentacija u uredima Predsjednika RH,Predsjednika VLADE RH,Predsjednika
SABORA RH,Ustavnom sudu RH,Uredu Puckog Pravobranitelja RH.......
 Kopije dokumenata se jos nalaze na HHO,Amnesty int.,pri mnogim novinarima u
Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu,te pri ustanovama i politicarima u

-http://feniks13.tripod.com,pod nalovom-Help Wanted

KOMISIJE I NOVINARA......da se potvrdi originalnost-vjerodostojnost.
 A u Zagrebu su jos kopije dokumenata-OVJERENE !!!

 Franjo Egri

 Kaznenu prijavu sam podnio danas 13.09.2008.godine i napominjem da to nije moja
prva kaznena prijava-ova je prva po e-posti i javna.


 i poruka onima koji su me unistili-


Posted by feniks13 at 5:28 AM EDT
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Mood:  special
Now Playing: How the politicians can kill you by legal power

How to destroy a human beingCoolInnocentSurprised

How the politicians can kill you  by legal power

I was called to the local police station the second time, a couple of days ago.
Both times because of  my e-mails, that I wrote in the last years to a lot of
addresses , asking for help. This is almost the only answer to my numerous
proofs of  the facts, that  I try to explain all the time. They show without
any doubt that the Croatian Government took everything away from me –
beside my property and family, also all the documents that prove that I exist
and am right. . ( certificates of schooling, all documents about my work in
Croatia and of the undertaking I owned at that time, and more). The documents
are probably still at the Croatian court and Police, and I don't see a way
anymore to get them back. The conflict with the Croatian Government is going on
for 14 years.
Without all the documents I am not able even to try starting a normal life in
Slovenija, where I live now ( or anywhere else). I can practically do anything
more now. And I have tried everything… I asked the Croatian Government to
settle the problem, other institutions  there too, the President of EC, European
comissionars , politicians, lawers, Interpol, even President Bush and a number
of other different organizations.

Whoever has read my letters in the net knows, in what need I am now and what are
my charges against Croatia.
O don't ask anything impossible. I' only asking for my documents and at least a
part of the money which should I get already years ago. I only want them to
enable me to survive the next few years. I'm only a shaddow of the man I used
to be and have a load of deabts. I had to borrow money for medical treatments,
lawers and other things relating to the conflict with Croatian Government.

Franjo Egri


1.        My charge against some Croatian individuals ( who ruined me physically and
psychically, using their political power). The charge has been present for
almost three years now, no answer from any competent European institution  and
Interpol yet.

SLOVENIA,   04.03.2008

Strasbourg, 09.11.2005 ---------
Strasbourg, 08.11.2005 -------------

As an EU citizien I`m fileing charges for:

1. Attempted murder (which is going on for 11 years),-14 years !!!

2. Torture and stealing all of the human rights (11 years),-14 years !!!

against present and former leaders of Croatia.

I place the charges to this institution with a request to send it to public
prosecuters of the members of EU.

I`m stating the accused person:

1. Mr. Stjepan Mesic - president of Croatia,
2. Mr. Mladen Bajic - state I.,
3. Mr. Ivo Sanader -prime minister,
4. Mr. Nikica Valentic - ex prime min.,
5. Mr. Bozo Prka - ex. minister

Strasbourg, 08.11.2005 - SLOVENIA 04. 03. 2008

Franjo Egri

Posted by feniks13 at 8:07 PM EDT

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